Why You Need an Editorial Calendar

Have you ever struggled trying to caption an instagram photo, or even find a photo to post in the first place? That struggle can be heightened when posting content for your brand. An easy solution is to create an editorial calendar: a simple system that helps you know what and when to post across your platforms. 

Being strategic with your posts can be beneficial not only for your brand, but also for your sanity. Finding a steady schedule for posting can help keep you on track. For most brands, posting 3-5 times per week is the perfect amount of content to be releasing. The content you do release should be consistent with your brand. “You’re going to be engaging your audience where they are, with content that they’re interested in, when they’re actually on your platform.” Your audience should be able to clearly connect with who you are and what you’re all about the moment they ‘like’ your post. 

The type of content you post is also vital to success. But, creating any content can be a struggle. The easiest way to combat this lack of content is to document everything your brand does. It’s much easier to pull photos, videos, etc. when you have moments from all your events saved. In particular, video can be incredibly useful in creating interaction with your audience. Video is even the most demanded piece of content. When posting a photo or video, an editing software or app is a must. It pulls the story you are telling together and, when used as a theme on your platforms, gives cohesion to your brand. 

Lastly, the time you post can be the most valuable information you have, in relation to audience interaction. Using platform analytics, you can discover the time of day your posts get the most traffic. Use that information and you can schedule content weeks in advance. Another time to think about is time of year. Is there a holiday coming up, or a nationally recognized day? “It’s really thinking about how do I utilize these days to engage with my audience and think about what is their mindset, not mine?” For example, coming out of the Christmas season, your audience may not want to spend money on a service or product. “You really should not be just promoting your services every single day, every single hour. Hey, come in. You have to buy our product…people tune out. They’re not gonna want to buy your product until they trust you and feel like you are the person that has their best interest in mind.” Instead of hammering them to buy, build trust. When the time comes, it is much easier to invest in a brand that cares.

Show Notes:

[00:01:55] What are you obsessed with this week?

Loren: Abominable

Bryan: New In-Ear Monitor

[00:05:58] Do you need an editorial calendar?

[00:08:00] What do you need to be strategic?

[00:17:46] Make your calendar timely

[00:28:51] Rapid Fire Questions

Show Quotes:

“You’re going to be engaging your audience where they are, with content that they’re interested in, when they’re actually on your platform.” [00:07:14]

“That’s where an editorial calendar comes in handy: so that it’s not a mad scramble everyday. Oh, we forgot to post something. And it doesn’t even resonate with your audience because it was last minute if feels last minute. But with an editorial calendar, it can really resonate with your audience because you’ve planned it.” [00:16:47]

There are plenty of tools and tricks that can assist you in posting quality, strategic content that will help grow your brand. With help from an editorial calendar, you can take posting content from to-do to done.“So, it’s really thinking about how do I utilize these days to engage with my audience and think about what is their mindset, not mine?” [00:19:27]

“You really should not be just promoting your services every single day, every single hour. Hey, come in. You have to buy our product…people tune out. They’re not gonna want to buy your product until they trust you and feel like you are the person that has their best interest in mind.” [00:25:07]


And I think consistency is probably one of the most important of all of these. Um, really we’ve seen across the platforms is that if you’re consistent, you will have consistent engagement and consistent growth as well. And so if you’re not being consistent and you’re frustrated as to why you’re not growing, that that’s it right there.

Hey, what’s up everybody? Welcome back to the go road podcast. My name is Brian Fitton. This podcast dedicated to marketers, small business owners, people who are trying to do marketing differently, right?


yes, and that’s awesome voice, the voice of go rogue.


the cohost, my awesome cohost, uh, Ms. Lauren Lewis.

How’s it going? And this is a special episode.

Tell us why.

Because, uh, Ms. Lauren Lewis has, she’s going to be running this show. I like, she doesn’t run the other shows, but she’s definitely going to be running this one. And so I’m very excited to, uh, to have you lead this thing or I get to answer or ask you questions.

Yeah. So today we’re going to be talking about, do you need an editorial calendar? Do you born?


Yes. Absolutely is the right answer. And if you don’t have one, we’re going to talk about how you can get one and make it easy and your reasons why you need one. Uh, and then obviously any kind of follow up, you guys make sure to reach out to us, um, had to go rogue X on Instagram, but also subscribe.

If you’re not already subscribed to this podcast, if you’re watching on YouTube, make sure you subscribe on YouTube as well. Give us a rating or review because we always try to make sure to bring the most value that we can. And if you feel like that’s true, then give us a rating. We appreciate it. Yeah.

Awesome. All right. So before though, before we get into all of this awesome content, let’s start off with something fun. All right. Yes, let’s do it.

So we always start our episodes with what are you obsessed with this week? So Brian, I know, I know what you’re obsessed with. So tell

us this money ahead of time.

And I’m very excited about this. So for about 10 years, over 10 years, a long time, a long time. I have always wanted a set of in ear monitors. ear monitors, right? Yes. Okay. Make sure I say it correctly. Um, so it is one of those things, like I played music in a band, played worship music on stage, and so you’re always kind of struggling to like here your, your mix and your interactional headphones and stuff.

And so I’ve used different earbuds and whatnot, but obviously the get custom ones are like fit my ear that go down. And so anyway, I was very excited. So a clear two monitors. Those of you guys watching? I’m using them

right now. Look fantastic. Thanks

so much. Uh, yeah, the, they, a friend of mine, Jason height, he’s a, he does the audio stuff at our church and so he’s always like, he’s good friends with those guys and he’s like, you got to go with CTM.

Uh, so anyway, ordered them last year. Forgot to send my molds in all the things they run a big special, uh, and so anyway, but they send them, they actually had my name on the case. If you’re watching right now, this little case and, uh, I got the go rogue logo on them too.


You just so funny to see your face.

You’re like, Oh, it’s so

cool. They are cool. They do look

cool. These look like hearing AIDS. That’s all.

Well, I mean, when you first look at him, but then when you look closer, there are definitely not hearing AIDS. Yeah, yeah. I think it’s just funny. You showed me two cases today for your, your cool inner ear or in ear

and their monitor

and then your toothbrush.

Oh yeah. I will talk about what to brunch the next episode. You’re ready for that one. So

today is case day.

Awesome cases. Um, okay. So Warren, what are you obsessed with?

So mine’s kind of weird, but, um, I don’t know about you, but with small children, you see a lot of really, really bad kids movies. Mmm.

Because there’s just a lot out there. So when my husband is, I’m gone. Um, like hanging out with some friends. I usually try to do like a popcorn party with my little two little boys and everything. And we get a movie from Redbox. So we got a bomb Annabelle. Yeah. Um, the little leg Yeti. Yeah. Um, anyways, I was like a shock.

This movie was really good and I was like, Oh, I was so pleasantly surprised. It was super cute. Um, I’m also a big fan of like violin music, and that’s like within the whole score, because she’s the girl, the main character is a violinist. Oh. Um, and so on. The Yeti was really cute and my kids actually were engaged and actually sat and watched it, which is something that he said.

I have a three and a half year old and an 18 month old. So if that is something, um, so it was just really, it was really cute. And, uh, my boys had actually talked about it afterwards, so it was like clearly impressionable too. So I don’t know. It’s always a pleasant surprise when you find a kid’s movie that’s actually.



I highly endorse it. If you have children or if you don’t, I mean any like animated films. Abominable.

We watched a small foot. It’s kind of in that same category. But

yeah, Fox did not like it at all. That’s interesting. Is interesting. Cause I thought it was very .

He’s been over to our house a few times.

He’s probably seen it too many times.

It’s probably like I’m over it.

Yeah. The fittings movie is the worst. Don’t want to, I don’t even want to watch it at my house, so, all right. Hey, those were good. Yeah. Yeah, it was a really good, and by the way, you sound awesome. In my. Clear tune.

Well, you look fantastic.

It’s patronizing me over here. All right. Hey, I’m very excited. Let’s jump into this. I’ve got the notes that you provided more, weren’t always as awesome notes for our episode, so it’s always super exciting. Um, so we have a, do I get to do all this stuff? Yeah, the overview and stuff.

No, I can do it.


So did I, where were we talking about?

Do you need an editorial calendar? Um, and the fact is for a business, or even if it’s like an influencer, when you’re thinking about your content, you really need to have a plan in place. Um, a lot of businesses do not. And so when they’re thinking about what do I need to post, they just kind of grab whatever they can find something funny, whatever.

Um, and the problem is, is that it just. Typically it does not resonate with your audience as strongly as if you had planned out your content. And so on top of that, when we deal with social media all day long, it is something, it takes a lot of time. And so really investing your time in social media that’s going to work.

It’s totally worth it to sit down and plan. And so an editorial calendar can look. I mean, it can look like anything really. It can be a whiteboard. It can be a printable calendar. It can be a massive spreadsheet. It can be within an, an actual, um, digital platform that schedules out your content. You can store everything in there.

Um, but we’re looking at some kind of plan that you’ve put in place, um, to make your content the most impactful. And so for me, when I look at what are the qualities of an editorial calendar and what do you need, it’s really where your. It allows your content to be strategic, timely, consistent, and varied.

And really, when you do that, you’re going to be engaging your audience where they are with content that they’re interested in at times, they’re actually on your platform. And I think that really helps. Um. Well, they give you the most bang for your buck.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. Well, and I mean, we’ve learned this over time too, of like working with other people, and obviously the importance of having an editorial calendar because you’re thinking about it.

You’re planning it out. You’re making, I mean, we do that a lot with podcasting, right? It’s like making sure it’s seasonal, making sure that whatever is happening at the time, and we’ve. Gone into this with a, in other episodes, but really making sure that you’re intentional about your content rather than just like, Oh, that picture looks good.

Okay, let’s put that one up. Um, and so it’s also very freeing. If you have that in place and you have a plan strategic, and you know what your objectives are. Absolutely. A great, great idea. So, all right, so let’s jump into it, right? So, uh, we talked about what, what do we need to do. To be strategic and what we’re doing with our, our


Sure. So the first thing would be, I mean. Just having an editorial calendar alone and sitting down to Steven, think about the content is going to up at just one level in itself. Um, but typically what we’re seeing across a lot of platforms, there’s a lot of, it used to be that you need to post 20 million times a day as much content as possible.

And we are all about producing lots of content. Yeah. Yeah. But a practical and realistic goal is to aim for three to five pieces of content a week. Um, and these pieces need to be quality. And things that you know, reflect your brand and your message. Okay? So this isn’t just sharing a funny gift that could be part of your brand.

And I’m not saying don’t do that, but we really thinking about what is going to happen, add value to my audience. And so when we do what we call four pillars with a lot of our clients, and it’s focusing on what are your kind of your core values and what are the things that you want to focus on. So even on this podcast, we split our content into four pillars and we talk about, okay, we’re going to be talking about podcasting this week.

Next week we’re gonna talk about social media in the next week. Then we’re going to talk about video. And what that helps with is that you’re really encompassing everything about your brand and you’re not missing out on some of the services that you provide or, um, some of the things that you’re all about.

Because people want to know more about your brand. Um, also with that, we really strongly feel if you do not already have a messaging guide, that is a really helpful resource and we can do another podcast on the Hill. Helpful tools of a messaging guide. Yeah. Um, but this is, um, for those of you who are not familiar with the messaging guide, it really helps you understand kind of your main message that’s going out.

And when you combine that with an editorial calendar. It’s very impactful because you’re consistently posting the same type of message with the same type of content.

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. And that’s, uh, we’ve, we’ve had like Brad Alexander on before, um, to talk about really that messaging guy because you want to be consistent and clear with your messaging and know who exactly you’re talking to.

And so it is one of those things that. Um, I think Brad has even helped us kind of understand that too, you know? And, um, so I will say that having that there, having a consistent message across the board is going to be great, but then also just, Mmm. You know, we talked about the archetypes too. We’ve discussed that in before and understanding what really motivates that person you’re talking to.

Right? And so, um, I think those are all very, very important for good. And that absolutely is great for a strategic side.

Thanks. Awesome. So kind of our second, we talked about being strategic with an editorial calendar and being consistent. And I think consistency is probably one of the most important of all of these really we’ve seen across the platforms, is that if you’re consistent, you will have consistent engagement and consistent growth as well.

And so if you’re not being consistent and you’re frustrated as to why you’re not growing, that that’s it right there. Um, you really should be, um. Well consistent. And one of the ways to do that, um, is getting a scheduling platform. And a lot of people have tried to do this. You know, you might have a social media manager, or if you don’t, you’re trying to do it all yourself.

I’m having one of these tools really helps and it provides and saves so much time. And we’ve actually tried a ton. Um, we’ve tried like hoop suite. We’ve tried MeetEdgar we’ve tried later. Um, and the platform that we’re currently using is sendable. And the reason that we are using that platform is because it encompasses so many platforms.

Um, we, we schedule out a lot of content to a lot of different platforms and it’s very helpful to find that one that can encompass all of those. So I can put a. He subcontent content the same piece of content to four different platforms, and it allows me to edit to each different platform and tag in each different platform.

And that’s something that is really, really helpful to us, but you may not need that kind of powerhouse of a scheduling platform. And so it’s really. It does take a little bit of time, but it really pays off to do the research of what platform works for you specifically. If you’re only doing three channels, you do not need a scheduling platform that supports 99 channels.

Yeah. Like why would you pay for that? Yup. Um, and so I, I know later is a great platform. Typically, if users are doing just your businesses, social media handles, that’s a fantastic platform to go and it’s very affordable and it does some really good work. Um, so it definitely just look at the different.

Features that each one has, because they all typically offer different ones. And one thing that we’re very passionate about is we do not like push notifications. Um, and so it was very important as for a platform that would directly post to our clients or ourselves, Instagram without getting a push notification.

Yeah. Yeah. And there are a lot out there. I mean, even we talked about later before, later, there’s one that we absolutely love, but there are a lot of push notifications for that. And so that was what they built it around. And I mean, honestly, here. The past year and a half, I mean, has really changed.

Instagram has changed kind of their policies with that, because before you couldn’t have any type of automated system, like you had to be on your phone posting from your phone. Um, and there was nothing on the back end of that, which I think made the experience a little more real. But if you’re trying to engage with the platform, like it’s about the engagement, not necessarily the.

Hosting, like being there to comment and making sure that you’re updated with, you know, and, and engaging your audience. That really is the most important thing. So I’m glad that they kind of let down on their standards with that. So.

Sure. And I will say like a helpful tip is if you’re going in every day to create a post that is really tiring.

Um, and it. It lends itself to, if you have a busy schedule, you’re going to forget and push it off. And so having a scheduling platform where you can sit down and maybe devote an hour or two to schedule out your content for the week means that you are going to be consistent and you’ve, you’ve saved yourself so much time.

And it’s also prevents Berta. Burn out, I should say. And so I’ve scheduled a lot of content, and these are definitely, for me, if you are a business, this is, you need to find a platform that helps you do that.

Yeah, absolutely. Stocking the same thing with batch recording of the podcast, right? And making sure that you’re consistently recording, uh, set up a day so that way you’re in that mindset, you’re in that zone.

Set up a time to actually schedule it all your content for the month or for the next couple of weeks or whatever it looks like. So that’s good. Yeah. All right. So we talked about strategic stuff. We talked about being consistent. Um, what about the types of content?

So, I mean, first think about your brand and what is appropriate to your brand.

Um, if you have a very serious brand, it’s probably not wise to be just posting gifts and like funny little things that look like they’re from the nineties or something. You know, it’s like you need to think about what you’re collecting. Um, but we really say to vary up your content because we are obviously huge fans of video.

But, um, your users are going to appreciate when you vary your content, when you’re providing like a really cool video and then you’re doing, you know, a behind the scenes picture and then you’re providing a really educational article about top 10 trends for your industry. Like all of those things are really hitting all the points of your audience because you do have people that are big readers as opposed to those who are big video Watchers.

And so you don’t want to just alienate everybody. Obviously understanding though. And we will say this, and you’ve seen this probably or heard this in previous episodes. Video is King. Yeah. It is the most important piece of content. If you are not doing video, you are missing out on a huge. Portion of your audience, because video is the most demanded piece of content.

Um, but it doesn’t have to be the only one.

Yeah. Yeah. Well, and I think one thing to keep in mind too, is right, you’re want to stop the scroll. Rolling, you know, and even customizing per platform, right? Yep. The verbiage you’re using on LinkedIn is going to be different than the Berbers you’re using on Facebook or Instagram, right.

You have to understand the mindsets of people whenever they’re in on that platform. And that’s what I think a lot of people don’t realize is, Oh, I’m just going to post everything. Same thing to everywhere. And that does not, they will not communicate with that audience. Right. And so just making sure to.

Be mindful of what is actually going to stop somebody in their tracks when they’re just coming through. Right. And they’re actually going to stop on your content and make sure that it’s designed for that platform. Not just format it correctly, but actually the content itself is designed for that platform, that users.

So absolutely. And I think when we look at like varying your content, you might think all of a sudden, well, I don’t have a lot of pictures, so I have, I don’t have that many videos. And this is where when you have an editorial calendar, you can look and say, okay, we are going to need to document. All around our business to be able to provide this kind of content.

We’re going to need to go live on Facebook on these particular days, and that’s where an editorial calendar comes in handy so that it’s not a mad scramble everyday. Oh, we got to post something. And it doesn’t even resonate with your audience because it was last minute if feels last minute. But with an editorial calendar, it can really resonate with your audience because you’ve planned it.

That way. Um, and so we really suggest to document everything. Um, really, um, invest in a couple apps that maybe help you to edit your photos off of your phone. Um, they are very affordable and just a simple filter and some adjustments with like lighting can really make a huge difference. Um, as well as just taking video.

You’d be surprised what people are interested in. Um, we’re all about the behind the scenes, and so people want to know what makes your. Your business tick. And so, um, document that and I’ll let them kind of see the behind the scenes so that they can be part of your brain.

Yeah, yeah. No, absolutely. Love that.

I think that’s really good. It goes back to Gary V. he always says, document, don’t create. There you

go. Me back. Always. Oh,

all right. So we talked about it’s going to go through these again. One strategic insistent, got to have varied pieces of contents and what’s next? What’s the last one here?

Timely. It is the last one.

We’re just moving right along. Yes,

we’re from writing progress. We’re being timely. So I mean, when we’re thinking about a calendar, literally timely is a huge one. And when you’re looking over your calendar, um. Even if you have like a printable calendar, write down the days, like if there’s holidays going on, um, write down if there’s big like awareness days.

And we work with, um, a pediatric dental office and she’s really good about making sure she knows what days, awareness days and everything. And she’s been able to do some really cool posts that really engage with her audience. And they’re really excited to talk about this particular awareness day. And it may not even have anything to do with pediatric dentistry, but it has everything to do with her.

Audience and that’s where you want to be. Um, and so really thinking over, and even this is, seems silly, but think also about the time of the year it is, is it freaking cold outside? Is it really high? Because there’s certain things within your industry that might matter. And so, um, specifically like, you know, if you’re an outdoor pool.

You know, and you’re sorry that, you know what I mean? There’s like, there’s so many things that you can do and you can think about the time of year and the mindset people are in. One of the big ones I always think about is January because right after Christmas, a lot of people are having their new year’s resolutions.

Um, a lot of people have spent a ton of money and so they’re saving money. Um, and so thinking about getting into that mindset, this might not be the time to like. Hey, I want you to spend all your money on these big pushes, you know, save that for the next month. Um, and so it’s really thinking about how do I utilize these days to engage with my audience and think about what is their mindset, not mine, what is theirs?

Because if you can connect with your audience where they are at, then you’re going to hit gold in an engagement area.

Absolutely. Piggyback off what you said with Amy and. EDA. No, they actually, so they focused on Martin Luther King day where she was able to involve a lot of the schools. Um, and then even on top of that, I mean, they’ve, now they’re into like girl scout cookie season, and so they really promoted the girls scare they had.

I mean, it’s probably the opposite effect of what you would think of that didn’t stop us with you is like sugary cookies. Um, but they’re like. We know people are going to eat these and we want to support our kids who are the most important, but then also educate on how to make sure to take care of their teeth after they eat these cookies.

I mean, it’s, it’s just a lot of stuff where it’s like, I’m very involved, but even again, the, it doesn’t even have a Martin Luther King day. She did a lot of stuff around that and really promoted, um. Promoted that and promoted like the local schools and stuff. It had nothing to do with ministry. Sure. Which was a really big deal.

And so that goes into that. I mean, obviously the time timely factor.

Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, it also goes into the fact that that was one of her four pillars is that this particular business cares about the community. And so they were actually covering not only one of their pillars, but also the timeliness and the calendar.

So it’s huge. It’s like she did. Awesome. Um, so this also leads into knowing your analytics, and I think we sometimes. Use analytics just to make us feel good, or like, Oh, I got all these posts. Everything’s green, everything’s red. It was great. And I’m going to tell you, really, your likes by the way, aren’t really the thing you should be looking at.

You know, your follower account is a lot more telling as well as the comments that you’re getting. That conversations, those real conversations you’re having is what you’re really wanting to look for. Um, but using your analytics is really important. It’s not something to be ignored. Um, it’s really understanding when is my audience on my particular platforms and what time are they actually engaging with my content.

Um, and so we have particular clients that they’re, Mmm. Their audience is on at 9:00 AM in the morning. That’s one of the times that they’re there. Or we have another client. It’s . Between three and 6:00 PM of the day because it’s after school. And a lot of them are moms. And so, you know, it’s like you got to know this because if you’re always posting at 9:00 AM but they’re not on until 6:00 PM at night, you’re missing them.

Yeah. You really are. And so it’s really important to understand that as well as days of the week. Um, a lot of us do a lot of business day calendars, but there are times where it is important to maybe catch those who are on the weekends as well. And so if you know that, and you have an editorial calendar and you’re planning for the month.

It’s easy for you to schedule it out. If you’re doing it day to day, it gets really hard.

Yeah. Well, I ain’t even going back to the, you know exactly what days to post as well, like we’ve talked about that in the past. Um, but just making sure you’re on times are important because it’s not always about you.

And that’s what a lot of times people are like, well, I don’t look at Facebook to like, you know, eight o’clock at night when the kids are young, getting in bed or whatever, and I’m finally resting. That may not be the case. Like I would’ve never thought, you know, a mom sitting in. Carpool line or, you know, pickup line is, it’s like that’s when they’re kind of consuming content.

That’s when they’re taking a break right before they get all the kids and go home and do dinner and all things. And so it’s very

important. So that’s everyone’s strapped down. They can’t go


Um, another thing with timeliness is you can also plan really special days and, um, that can really help you when you’re trying to.

Brainstorm content, which we do have an episode that you can go to check a brainstorming, quality content ideas. So totally check out that, um, for when you’re feeling a little bit in a dry spell of trying to figure out what should I post. Um, but something like a staff spotlight, um, a lot of businesses do this and it’s kind of knowing that, Hey, every Tuesday I know that people are on and we’re going to spotlight our staff so people get to know them.

Obviously it helps if you have a large staff to do that, cause you might run out, if we were here at go rogue, it might be a. Pretty quick spot. But, um, if you have a larger company, that’s great, but you can also do other fun things like, you know, fun tips or free tip Fridays. There’s so many things that you can do and it doesn’t have to be an alliteration either.

Um, but it can really help it, you know, Hey, today is Tuesday and this is what we do on Tuesdays. And. These ads.

We were pink HoloLens.

Right. Absolutely. Um, and do that. And that can help you, but also make sure to check if that is not resonating with your audience. You stop it. Yeah. Don’t do it any more just because, well, it’s Tuesday.

That’s what we’re supposed to do. See if it works. But it’s also a helpful way to still be a reminder to you.

Yeah. I think this is a great to actually just plug that into everything. Test everything, right. Don’t get set on something like test it out and see if it works. Go do a month or two or a quarter and actually see, okay, Hey, let’s look back over the quarter.

Okay. This content was really engaging. People seem to comment, this content was good. We switched up the times and you know, okay, we need to go back to a certain time, like. Pay attention to those types of things. I mean, that’s really important stuff. It’s obviously just test it. Don’t, don’t hold onto something because it’s free.

Tip Friday. You have to do it. It’s Friday. Right? I think that was a good point. Absolutely.

So I have a quote,


yes. From HootSweet. So if you’re not familiar with hoot suite is a, uh, platform that helps you schedule your content. Um, and they said one third of your content should promote your business or generate leads.

One third of your content comes from other sources that align with your business. And one third of your content should engage with followers directly, either through answering questions, responding to comments or reposting, user generated content. Um, so right there, and it’s just a good reminder. And sometimes I feel like this is.

Maybe posted a little bit too much about, but people aren’t following it. So that’s why I’m, is that you really should not be just promoting your services every single day, every single hour. Hey, come in. You have to buy our product, buy our product, better prod because people tune out. Like they, they’re not gonna want to buy your product until they trust you and feel like you are the person, um, that has their best interest in mind.

And you’re going to do that through other pieces of your content.

Yeah, absolutely. No, and that’s what I mean. We go back to. Gary V talking about jab, jab, jab, right hook, giving value, giving value, giving value before you actually ask for a sale. Um, because nobody likes that. They don’t like personally, they don’t like to be treated like that.

So why would you think that your audience and your potential customers like that?

Yeah, absolutely. Kind of when we think about all the things that we’ve talked about is being strategic, being consistent, being varied with your content and being timely. Um, and really what I would highly suggest is taking a time once a month to kind of sit down, do this.

Maybe it was somebody else. So it’s not just by yourself thinking to yourself, um, and kind of bounce ideas for the month of what you have. And then kind of thinking through, okay, what do I need to create in order to be able to do that? If you are in a place where you feel like I want to produce content, but I don’t know how I would like to repurpose my content.

Talk to us because we love talking to other businesses about repurposing your content.

Yeah, absolutely. That’s a huge passion of ours, of being able to take one piece of content and chop it up and make it relevant for that specific platform, because that is hard to do. It’s hard to take that time to know what tools you use to figure out.

I mean, I know just even for us and me creating our own content, it’s like how in the world do we just record this video. Yeah. Like that is a big deal. And trying to make it perfect, trying to make sure it communicates like all the things that you have to do. So being able to actually repurpose that as big deal and we’d love to help you out with that.

Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah. Okay. Hey Lauren, that was really good. Hey, make sure that you guys in the comments give Lauren a super big shout out for the awesomeness of this episode.


just gonna have to keep this doing this a regular thing where you just, you run the show. I like this. This is nice

for you to sit back and relax.

Actually paying attention to the mind, the board, and making sure everything’s, you know, running in a tip top shape. So, Hey, thank you guys so much. You want, Oh, here. Why don’t you do our sendoff?

I don’t know.

Yeah. How do you close this out here, Lauren? Why do they need to go to find out more information?

Yes. You can find [email protected] and you can find us on most. I guess podcast platforms, and we totally encourage you to subscribe so you get all the latest tips and tricks about all things content related or podcasting related. Yeah, for sure. Um, and we really appreciate you listening.

What else do they need to do.

Oh, right. I’m not rehearsed for that.

She got subscribed. You’d never hear it. Okay, so my knees to correct us who was right on this, make sure you let us know. Hey, thanks Lauren. All right, we’ll see you guys next week.

Okay. All right. Lauren, are you ready for rapid fire? I get to do these. Are you ready?

I’m ready. Bring it on. Happen.

Fire. Here we go. They’re fine. The word


I wasn’t going to be the hardest thing is

zeitgeisty. Hey, I didn’t look it up. Oh,

okay. You find it then. Okay. That’s fun to think about it though.

I know. And I still am like,

ah, site guys.

Okay. Like, it makes me think of like the ghost word. What does that, it’s

Oh, a whole Poltergeist. Yeah. Yeah.

But I, uh, I think maybe like a geological formation. Okay.

That’s good.

Like I still like tight or something.

Zeitgeists I’m going to say it’s like an extra cyst.

Oh my gosh. Pulls people out of culture. Guys weren’t liked baby interact with older guys and so there it’s like, yeah, we’re gonna have to figure this one out. Okay. Next. Rapid fire question. What’s the lamest desserts that people try to pass off as

a dessert? Okay. Part phase. It’s not a dessert that’s like a breakfast item.

I see those things all the time and we’re like, Oh, we put like strawberries and yogurt and a little granola. I’m like, that’s breakfast. That’s not a dessert.

Yeah. What was the, uh, Oh. Oh, I’m thinking of the opposite. So I grew up with a family that was from the West coast, and for some reason they always had jello as part of their dinner, like jello, just regular gelatin.

I would skip a jello on your dinner plate.

It’s like mashed potatoes and gravy and Turkey and jello,

and it’s weird.

And I was like, well, why aren’t we saving this till the end? Oh yeah. This is sweet. It’s a dessert, right?


we have Missouri.

So, I don’t know. That was, I was thinking of the opposite. Um, yeah. I don’t know. Dessert, dessert, dessert. That’s the only thing I thought it wasn’t the flip and never

maybe jealous pretty lane to pass off as a dessert as well. Yeah. Here’s this GLAAD that’s colored. Enjoy it.

It’s full of sugar.

Oh, gosh.

Deliciousness. All right.

Well, look up Zach guys and figuring out what it means.

Yeah. We’re going to do it right now, actually, real quick. Oh, it’s like the first guy’s movie. There’s a movie out.

Oh, I hope it’s not inappropriate. I didn’t even like,

yeah. All right. The defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.

Yeah. I would never have guessed that

the story captured the zeitgeists of the late 1960s

my goodness. Not about ghosts. It’s

not about ghosts at all. What is this?

So that’s your vocabulary word of the day. Let’s nurse.

There is some weird stuff though. This is, I guess maybe you guys need to check it out.

So I guess the movie we’re going to, we’re going to watch it and play the trailer on YouTube. We’re going to do that after this. So let us know if you watch it. The zeitgeists. All right, we’re out

flipping a tranquility Bay here. The ankle headlamp. It.


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